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By Rebecca Lawrence Bulimba Business

Lashings of glamour at Glam Lashes in Hawthorne

Glamour is not high on my ‘To do’ list as a rule. With numerous event management projects on the go at anyone time, children’s after-school sporting schedules and social lives to attend to and a home renovation underway, the glamour in my life had become a distant glimmer of memory that wasn’t a priority right now. Lara Cortese of Glam Lashes has changed all that for good.

Lara runs Glam Lashes, a professional eyelash extension studio, and invited me to try her lashes to see how simply they can add a touch of effortless glamour.

I confess that make-up is not always a given in my life. When push comes to shove, I’m not above donning a hat and sunglasses to get me through the school run or even a Love Your Local market when time is tight. On the other hand, I’m just as distraught as the next gal when I see a photo of myself looking un-groomed and dishevelled. Lara has shown me that my bare minimum can be boosted significantly by one, hour long, appointment every month or so at her Hawthorne home where she runs her studio .

Lara encourages you to lie back and relax in her stylish, not clinical, beauty room. After filling out a brief form to advise of any allergies or potential issues I’m afraid I can’t really tell you much more about my appointment except to say that apparently I am not the first to wake myself up snoring on the extremely comfortable therapy bed that you lie on whilst Lara works her magic. I literally fell asleep whilst Lara meticulously glued lashes individually to my lids.

Having tried false lashes in my ‘Betty Boo’ years at uni I was suspicious that I would not like the feel of them on my lids or that they would make my eyes run. I am sensitive to many face creams and my eyes water at the best of times so I was doubtful that having lashes was really for me. Lara gave me some sterile drops to rinse my eyes should they react and advice on how to care for them. Apparently gentle rinsing, some baby shampoo and a brush should see them last me a month or more. Needless to say I decided, in the interest of giving you an honest review, to disregard this advice and carry on my usual rough and ready beauty regime of facewash and moisturiser. A month on from my appointment I am delighted to say that my lashes are holding up well and still look as good as new.

Glam lashesThe lashes are on the top lid only which works for me as I so rarely wear full make-up. They are dark and long with a natural curl which serves to make them look as they usually do when I have several layers of mascara on them. However, tellingly, none of my family have even noticed that I have them. If I rub my eyes I can feel them but other than that I have not noticed they are even there. This is a good thing from my perspective as I don’t want to look ‘over the top’ or to have to wear make up every day to keep the lashes from looking odd or fake. I have found that they work equally well with no make up or with my usual make up, with or without additional mascara. In fact, I love them!

I will certainly continue with them once these fall out as they will naturally do after 4- 6 weeks, according to Lara. I have no doubt that they will be as vital as my little black dress in seeing me from the beach to the bar in under half an hour this holiday season – I’ll just add my next appointment to my ‘To do’ list as a matter of priority from now on!

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